Here at Integrity Key our main aim is to provide a clear step forward in quality, transparency and security of the data generated along the food chain from farm to fork.

We guarantee the traceability of the food chain made of data. UNDER COSTRUCTION !!!!

Make Integrity of data, your business foundamentals!


Agri-food companies generates a lot of data during the record of actual traceability system (along Regulation (EC) No 178/2002), but those information are not interoperable within all actors and cannot be exploited as decision tool. Most data are still recorded on paper



Why now ?

Why now ?

Now is the right time!

In Italy and elsewhere consumers are asking for a better traceability, safety and transparent information on food origin and transformation (Ministero dell’Agricoltura).

Market Potential

Market Potential

First Client & Partners

  • A small food company producing milk and derivates Marche, Italy
    • Create a traceability platform where data, coming from radiofrequency sensors applied to food batches, are crypted and stocked automatically along Blockchain technology and IoT devices
  • IoT-devolopment
    • Our Partners







  • «Un problema con le piccole aziende è la gestione del lotto, che fino ad una certa quantità molte spesso viene bypassato. Le aziende agricole, i veri produttori di cibo dov'è importante la tracciabilità, devono ancora fare quel passo di industrializzazione che chiede l'Europa. Molte ad oggi hanno un ufficio poco strutturato per gestire lotti, certificazioni e carte, nonostante ci mettano il massimo impegno, ma debbano pensare più alle difficoltà ambientali che a quelle burocratiche.»,Andrea un produttore locale
